miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Task 15: CLIL c) Create a webquest/ treasure hunting


The word ecology comes from the term oikos, which means (house, home). It was first used in the mid-nineteenth to designate S studies linking living beings with a physical medium.

Ecology is the science responsible for the study of ecosystems and all the relationships that characterize them.

The objective of this treasure hunting is learning about ecosystems, their components and the relationships between them.


1. What is an ecosystem?
2. What is the difference between biotic and abiotic components?
3. Make two columns, one in which signals other biotic and abiotic components of the drawing.
4. What power enables the functioning of ecosystems?
5. What is a food chain? (represents a food chain Based on the drawing)
6. What are the intraspecific relations ?. And how interspecific? (List the different types of relationships that exist in both cases.)
7. Search Photos in which three examples of intraspecific interspecific relationships and three others are observed.
8. Define limiting factor
9. Make a list in which signals the most important terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

The addresses listed are just some that you can use, help yourself search engine to find more information about it.


1. What are the benefits of ecosystem man?
2. Why is it so important to preserve ecosystems?


Treasure hunting in ecosystems is in addition to the answers to the questions made in it, the management of the network as a tool for information and knowledge valued. The final exhibition in the class each student will have to make answering the "Big Question" is also assessed. 

*Material adapted from here

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